What the Lake Hides. A Case for Gianna Pitti

  • The first case in a new series: steeped in history set in one of Italy’s most popular vacation destinations, Lake Garda
  • English sample and synopsis available
  • Over 380,000 copies of Koppelstätter's books sold

Shady dealings, an elite secret society, and a young local reporter investigating her most personal story: What the Lake Hides is the brilliant start to a new series and an extremely suspenseful read.

Blue lights flash on the shores of Lake Garda. A body has been found in the marina in Riva. Gianna Pitti, a police reporter for the local newspaper, is always on the spot when something happens on the lake. She discovers to her horror that she knew the victim; what’s more, she was the last person to see the young man alive. While the police are in the dark, she begins to investigate, with the support of her quirky uncle Francesco and the editor-in-chief Elvira.

The clues lead them to the former residence of the writer Gabriele D’Annunzio, where something does not seem to be quite right: On this magnificent estate, which is now a museum, mysterious parties are being thrown. The deeper the three dig, the more mysteries emerge: What’s the deal with the golden pendant that was found stuck in the corpse’s throat? And how is all this connected to Gianna’s father, the legendary investigative journalist who disappeared without a trace a year ago? The search for answers pushes the trio to their limits.

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  • Publisher: KiWi-Paperback
  • Release: 08.05.2024
  • ISBN: 978-3-462-00650-6
  • 240 Pages
  • Series: Ermittlungen am Gardasee
  • Author: Lenz Koppelstätter
Was der See birgt
Lenz Koppelstätter Was der See birgt
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Lenz Koppelstätter

Lenz Koppelstätter  was born in South Tyrol in 1982 and grew up there. He worked as a media developer and as a reporter for  Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung  and  Salon . All eight volumes of his crime series featuring Commissario Grauner have enjoyed enormous popular and critical success, his second series featuring journalist Gianna Pitti is set in the Lake Garda region.

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