Karen Duve’s biting tribute to the Brothers Grimm including devious dwarves, ill-bred wolves, disappointed princes and frigid princesses
Karen Duve has always been an avid reader of fairy tales, sagas and tales of chivalry. She is especially fond of the Grimm fairy tales. But much of what happens in these stories contradicts common sense and human experience!
For example, how likely is it that an exceptionally good-looking young woman would run a household for seven middle-aged vertically challenged bachelors without being hit on by any of them? And who actually believes that a real prince would want to spend his life with a woman who’s already lived with seven men? How can it be that an important fairy is uninvited from a baptism simply because there aren’t enough plates? How would things actually turn out if someone were to wake up from a hundred-year nap – covered in thick layers of dust and cobweb? And how does a prince keep fit anyway if he has to wait around a hundred years before he can wake his princess with a kiss?
Karen Duve felt compelled to tell her own versions of these stories, which are filled with everything that distinguishes Duve’s novels: domestic aversion, commitment phobia, bizarre notions of love, father complexes, self-doubt, acts of defiance and inferiority complexes. What results is a series of funny, relentlessly soul-dissecting stories in finest Duve style.
Serbia: Laguna / Sweden: Epix
- Publisher: Galiani-Berlin
- Release: 08.10.2012
- ISBN: 978-3-86971-064-8
- 160 Pages
- Author: Karen Duve

Further Titles


Why This Isn’t Working – How ...



The Abducted Princess

This is Not a Love Song

Christmas With Thomas Müller

Fraulein Nette’s Brief Summer

Thomas Müller and the Circus Bear